Maximum Sun Exposure

Our grow dome always offers you the advantage of maximum sun exposure! The Geodesic Dome greenhouse is the most innovative design imaginable for a greenhouse. The entire perimeter of the dome can be turned into a planting space. Don't forget to leave room for the gardener!

foil cover

for seasonally used GrowDome

clear vinyl:

  • 0.5mm thick plastic window material, heavy duty and durable UV sun protection film.
  • Lets in a lot of light and allows a good view. Commonly used for windows in surf sails, tents and boat covers. Of course not as clear as real glass!
  • Used for both windows and greenhouse domes
Isolated GrowDome

for year-round harvesting with BUBBLE wrap cover

bubble wrap: :

Very good insulation! Ideal for heated grow domes in cold climates. Allows year-round growth. Clear, translucent cover that allows 83% light transmission. The 8.5mm thick bubble wall is considered to be one of the best greenhouse covers available. The life expectancy is over 20 years and the film comes with a 5 year UV guarantee from the manufacturer.

!You and your plants will love the soft diffused light inside!

Cultivation all year round

Due to its brilliant design and construction, the GrowDome provides an optimal environment for growing fresh, organic and nutritious vegetables, herbs and fruit all year round. Insulation sleeve with bubble wrap Automatic opening of windows Water tank inside for climate regulation Underfloor heating and cooling system in raised beds Insulated foundation wall to rise above snow level Perimeter insulation

Energy saving

At the same time, GrowDomes drastically reduce our ecological footprint by reducing our consumption of fossil fuels. In the cold season, only 1/3 of the energy is needed to heat compared to a conventional greenhouse. Various tricks and techniques can be used by heat-generating systems.


Quite simply, a GrowDome can become a very effective part of what society is now looking for. It is a beautiful, working model of holistic functionality and well-being that forms the basis for a sustainable lifestyle.

Areas of Application

GrowDome are also used to enable projects like Insect Protection (Save the Honeybee), Worm Farming, MyceliaDome for Mushroom Farming, AquaponicDome (Fish and Aquatic Plant Farming).