Maximale Lebensqualität

Stell dir vor, in einem gemütlichen Kuppelzelt mitten in der Natur zu leben, umgeben von grünen Pflanzen. Jeden Morgen wachst du mit Tierstimmen auf, lebst günstig und umweltfreundlich, fühlst dich der Natur nah und tust gleichzeitig deinem mentalen Wohlbefinden etwas Gutes.



The number of struts distributes the load evenly over the entire structure via triangles. Despite its relatively light weight, the pole construction is extremely stable.

Die Haut
Eine Auswahl an Stoffen bietet eine gute Wahl für Ihre ganz persönlichen Wünsche und Anforderungen. Genähte Abdeckung inklusive Fenstern & Lüftungsöffnungen, Stabile Schlaufen aus Gurtband zum Befestigen. Stabile Doppelnaht mit bestem Wetter beständigem Faden verarbeitet.

Freie Farbwahl!


 are designed to provide a safe, warm and dry living space withstanding wind and weather light weight & high tech for easy transport and group expedition heavy duty & good insulation for permanent dwellingsimple version for summer camp and holiday


TÜV tested

TÜV/GS tested safety / for public facilities: EN 1176 tested by TÜV Rheinland! 

Fall Protection

Fall protection is necessary in any case to avoid unnecessary injuries. The following are particularly useful:

  • soft fine-grained play sand (50cm deep)
  • wood chips  (50cm deep)
  • round gravel  (50cm deep)

There must also be sufficient free fall space all around! We are happy to help with the implementation.


Promotes Creativity

A round thing for every playground! Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
With a few cloths it can be transformed into a domestic and even mystical cave in no time at all...

Strengthens the child

Hey, where are you going?! Who makes it to the top?! Who is the climbing king here?!

Real challenge for small and big children:

  • Gleichgewichtssinn & Innere Balance stärken
  • Gain courage and confidence
  • practice physical skills and motor skills
  • to overcome fear


White cotton cover make an excellent large canvas for painting huge round pictures with acrylic watercolors. They can be painted with brushes, fingers or dyed in the bathtub using tie-dye techniques.
Ideal for artist groups and courses as well as for individual artists who want to create something special on a large scale.
TurtleDomes, the ideal surface for giant circular video projection art...